Baroque Era Assessment of The Night Watch

Baroque Era Assessment of The Night Watch Introduction Literature is the bedrock which my knowledge and appreciation of art rests upon. History, fantasy, and science fiction are some of my favorite genres, and militias, sieges and watchmen are often a big part of these stories. Who hasn’t listened to Jimi Hendrix’s song All Along the Watchtower and not invented a tale to go along with the lyrics. While Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman was intriguing to me not only because it was a sequel to one of my most beloved novels, but also for its title. These reasons and more are why I will be going over the amazing baroque era piece, The Night Watch . “ The Night Watch was painted by Rembrandt van Rijn in Amsterdam during the year 1642” (Ribas). The Night Watch , more formally known as Militia Company of District II Under the Command of Captain Frans Banninck Cocq is equally stunning as it is massive. W...